Tuesday, May 25

Ask a Recruiter: Your Interview and the Law (cont'd)

Yesterday we identified questions that interviewers are not legally permitted to ask anyone they are considering for employment; but now that you know what to look for, what do you do when you show up to interview for your dream job and the boss asks an inappropriate question?

According to Best-Job-Interview.com, you have a number of options when presented with a question you are not legally required to answer in the context of a job interview...

Go ahead and answer the question directly. If you are comfortable with providing the answer, just respond and move on to the next question. Remember though that you are giving information that is not related to the job and may be giving details that impact negatively on you.

Refuse to answer the question. This is potentially a confrontational response and should be saved for questions that are truly offensive and invasive...

However if you are asked a number of inappropriate questions you may need to consider the suitability of the job and company.

The most effective response is to not answer the illegal question directly but to determine the reason or intent behind the question. Try to find out what the interviewer is really asking by rephrasing, clarifying or questioning.

An example might be...
Question:  What is your native tongue? 
Response 1:  Do you mean, am I fluent in any languages other than English? 
Response 2:  I am fluent in English, French and Spanish.

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